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Riot has revealed two new champions today:Rakan, The Charmer and Xayah, The Rebel

" All in the bar were captivated by Rakan's performance—all save one. Near the back of the dim-lit tavern, a silken-feathered vastayan woman stared into a spread of maps, ignoring her raucous surroundings. With a flourish of feathers, she lifted her eyes to meet his. She nodded toward a Ionian soldier in the back row, and Rakan smiled. It was time to really grab the spotlight. He dove off the stage, sliding across a bartop toward the soldier. With a stunning kick that sent the man flying through three tables, the Charmer's job was done. "

"Magic is supposed to be scary. Love is supposed to hurt. Ecstasy needs a little fear." 

" Xayah huddled at a corner table, pretending to scribble notes on some old maps. A vastayan dancer across the bar captured the room's attention with a flamboyant performance, lulling the audience into an easy mood. Xayah made eye contact with the vastayan and nodded toward an Ionian soldier sitting in the back row. Time to move. The dancer flashed a knowing smile and leapt toward the soldier, letting loose a vicious kick. With bar-goers scrambling away from the brawl, Xayah surged across the room, hurling a storm of feathers. The soldier collapsed, and The Rebel's job was done. "

“They say I don't know when to quit. Like that's a weakness.” 




"Rakan is an extremely mobile support, darting in-and-out of danger, disrupting enemies and buffing allies with an assortment of shields and heals. Rakan works best as a lovable distraction, leading his opponents in a deadly dance.

Rakan players should share his love of the spotlight, and prepare for a mechanical challenge if they want to perfect each charm, heal, knockup, and shield. Every encounter is a new dalliance with danger, and none take it less seriously than Rakan."


The big news here is that League is getting an extremely mobile Support, both capable of providing peel for his teammates through heals and shields, but also by engaging or following up and locking down targets with an AoE Knockup and a Charm that can affect multiple champions.

He won't be tanky as an AlistarLeona or Braum or provide as many heals and shields as Lulu or Soraka. Instead, he seems to be a hybrid that can provide both, but isn't best in his class at either. Think of him as a more mobile version ofTaric, that provides healing and shielding but is mobile enough to get in his opponents face and quickly back off to not take much damage.




"Some ADCs can charge straight into combat and start blowing stuff up, but Xayah works best if you take some time to create a game plan. Smart Xayah players will use minion waves to plant fields of barbed feathers, daring opponents to step within their range. When the battle begins, the Rebel gracefully flits around the outskirts of the conflict, slicing up targets with Double Daggers and using her feathers to create a zone of control. 

When the fighting gets hot, Featherstorm can save Xayah from the mayhem or smother her enemies. The best Xayah players will use her ult to achieve both at once, using the brief untargetability to dodge an enemy ultimate while also surging forward to spike with knives and feathers. If Xayah's good, you won't notice her at all—until, suddenly, she's swooping in for the kill. "


Xayah feels very similar to Kalista. She excels in fights where she can kite back and can leave feathers behind her opponents, using Bladecaller to call them back for a huge burst of damage (and a snare) which is very similar to Rend.

Her ultimate is any ADC main's wet dream, being able to become untargetable can be essential to dodge incoming damage and/or CC and cancel out spells such as Zed's Death Mark.

She's much weaker when fighting forward however. She won't be able to use feathers for a snare as opponents will just out run them, and with no mobility spells or other crowd control spells, she will be heavily dependant on teammates in order to be able to do damage. At 525 range, she has one of the lowest basic attack ranges in her class and that can definitely be exploited by the likes of CaitlynVarus or Ashe.




Together, the two champions unlock extra synergies, detailed below. While they're not entirely dependant on each other and are strong enough on their own, the extra synergies can prove to be very useful.

Rakan can dash to Xayah and shield her from a longer range. This has a double effect. For one, he's much more apt to protect her than other ADC, but duoing with Xayah will also allow him to play more aggressively, going in to knock up or charm his opponents and quickly dashing back to safety from an extended range.

On the other hand, Xayah can double the effects of her Attack Speed and Damage steroid to Rakan, which is naturally very useful for added damage in skirmishes. 

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